Apothekenweg 6, 38173 Sickte

0531-877 054 40

Legal Notice

Information pursuant to Sect. 5 DDG

Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Drevs
Advanced Health
Altewiekring 19
38102 Braunschweig


Phone: 0152 5395 2687
E-mail: info@advancedhealth.de

Person responsible for editorial

Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Drevs

EU dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR): https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
Our e-mail address can be found above in the site notice.

Dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.

Concept, Homepage and Onlinemarketing 

conamed Praxismarketing GmbH

Technologiepark 1 

91522 Ansbach 

Tel. 0981 – 203 6535 0 

Mail: info@conamed.de